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What is BodyTalk Access?

BodyTalk Access is a simple set of energy-based techniques to balance the body and the brain and helps to reestablish internal lines of communication within the body-mind.


This ultimately helps the individual have more resilience towards stress and any other factors that can be detrimental to long term health.


The effects are frequently immediately noticeable.

Facial Massage


Strathcona in Vancouver, BC

778. 598. 1691

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Lotus Lumière

Image by Kyle Cottrell

“I honestly just had the most incredible facial with Lotus. Thank you so much to my friend for sending me her way. I would highly recommend seeing Lotus to destress and recenter. Having an hour to visualize my amazing future and experience gratitude for my amazing present life was an absolutely invaluable experience.” - Lexi Boyd

Kind words from clients

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